Friday, May 6, 2016

Black Panther # 1 (Marvel Collectors Corps alternate cover edition)

By Mark Rodriguez

I really did enjoy my first Marvel Collectors Corps box based on the upcoming movie, Captain America Civil War. If you seen the video by now, you'd know it came with a Black Panther comic! All I know about him is that he rules the fictional country Wakanda and at one time he was married to Storm from the X-Men. Let's see what this comic is all about.

Awwww, aren't they cute? 
The comic explains that T'Challa is king od Wakanda and has protected the country from being conquered, but recent events caused by villains like Doctor Doom and Thanos changed that. He left the throne with his sister Shuri taking his place as both queen and a female Black Panther but she was killed as she tried to defend Wakanda from Thanos. T'Challa returns as king but it seems his country has grown restless in his absence.

T'Challa watches over the miners for Vibranium at The Great Mound and ponders that all he sees upon his return is hatred from the people. T'Challa becomes the Black Panther and tries to find the deceivers in his kingdom that are causing trouble as the villagers attack him. He loses the scent of the person he was looking for as he's fighting off his own people. Black Panther is given a staff which he uses to send a huge bolt of lightning. The hatred within the people fades, but he is determined to find the cause of this.

Elsewhere, a woman pleads for the life of her captain Aneka, before her mother. The woman explains how she was the only one brave enough to fight back against the lecherous chieftain, and now she was branded a murderer. Her mother refuses as it is her duty, and she sentences Aneka to death.

T'Challa rerurns and is studying what he could find from the mysterious woman that's spreading hatred across the country. He tells his mother that he will find her and kill her, but seeing as she was the same woman that was forced to carry out Aneka's execution she is not happy about more death. They both feel a larger work is causing all their troubles. She reminds T'Challa that he is a king not a soldier and to remember to not just be a sword, but the intelligence behind it.

Meanwhile, the woman shows someone video of the people attacking the Black Panther earlier. She says she doesn't spread hate, but awakens people to being their true selves. They don't hate their king for allowing the recent tragedies to happen, they are ashamed of him. The man tells Zenzi, that from the rage they are causing they will build a better and brighter Wakanda.

Elsewhere in a prison, an inmate sees people running and under attack. Ayo, the woman pleading for Aneka, returns wearing armor and destroys the prison walls. Aneka says it's not worth throwing her life away. Before Ayo can rescue her, Aneka gets zapped by soldiers. Ayo fights her way past them and flies off with Aneka.

Later on Aneka awakens tells Ayo that now they're going to kill them both. Ayo says they were going to kill them both anyway. She says Wakanda is falling apart and Ayeka is tired of risking her life for the king. Ayeka said she knew Ayo was causing the prison attack because only she would be crazy enough to steal the Midnight Angel prototype armor. Ayeka says she stole BOTH prototypes, so each women suit up and prepare to act as dead women should.

T'Challa continues to ponder how long he has to stay divided from his own people, his own blood, his own sister. It seems he has his sister, still in her Black Panther outfit, in some sort of stasis and is trying to work on some way to revive her.

My Opinions

Well, this is an interesting tale as the country of Wakanda is in danger and the people have lost faith in their king. I noticed T'Challa's mask wraps itself around his face as if made by nanobots, similar to what Iron Man uses nowadays in the comics. I notice the same thing happens with Ayeka's Midnight Angel armor. It's the start of an interesting story as the Black Panther tries to restore order his way, and I assume Ayo and Ayeka try to restore order their way, all while Zenzi and the guy that's with her are trying to unleash chaos. The ironic thing is all three parties are doing what they think is best for Wakanda, no matter what the cost.

I have to say it's kinda funny to see some of this adult content considering the oh so cute Funko pop versions of Black Panther and Captain America on the cover. Yes, I know this is an actual comic and the cover just an exclusive variant, but wow, we got the tale of an old guy abusing his power and raping the village women. I don't think the Marvel box is specifically marketed for kids, probably more for us older hardcore comic book fans, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people do buy this for their kids. I wonder how mom and dad will explain to their little one that this old was raping women, and the only one that stood up and killed him is now facing execution under the orders of the mother of the comic's main character.

And also for those over-sensitive parents, Ayo and Ayeka are lovers and even share a kiss. Personally I don't think parents should shield kids from homosexuality because it exists and chances are someone they know is gay anyways (or if the kid is gay, he or she was already gay and not due to some outside influence), but I can see some uptight parents complaining about that panel.

And yes, the Cap wasn't in this issue, but again, variant cover. It was still entertaining and I see Black Panther is going to have his hands full. We'll see if Civil War will bring about a new legion of fans that will start picking up this series. After all, I never gave Iron Man much thought until the movie came out.

To continue the Captain America Civil War fun, here's my unboxing video of the Captain America and Iron Man 2-pack that came with the Marvel Collectors Corps. I think it's kinda funny that April O'Neil is in the thumbnail, maybe she's out to cover the story on the Avengers fighting among each other.

The movie is coming out very soon and some people already saw it through early screenings. I can't wait. If you follow the VideoGameMasters09 Youtube channel, expect a review of the movie very soon.

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