Saturday, November 29, 2014

Superior Iron Man # 1

By Mark Rodriguez

Straight off the pages of the current AXIS storyline, Tony Stark created a new Extremis App that is free and can turn everyone into improved versions of themselves. His personality was somehow warped during the battle against the Red Onslaught. He wants to make the world a better place....whether the general public wants to or not. It also seems that Tony's developed a taste for booze again. Let's see what happens in the first issue of this new series.

The issue recaps Tony giving everyone the app across San Francisco. Everyone applauds Tony Stark, but they were blind to the truth. A week later, Iron Man runs into She-Hulk who is fighting a monster calling himself the Teen Abomination. The green monster was explosed to gamma radiation, and while She-Hulk warns that he's not as powerful as THE Abomination, he's still strong enough to send her flying into a building. Iron Man taunts him about his chosen super villain name and the Teen Abomination swings a lamp post at him that seemingly takes his head clean off!

The headless Iron Man picks up the helmet, proving it's just an empty suit. She-Hulk and Teen Abomination are both surprised, and the villain feels bad that after all the effort to get Iron Man's attention, he didn't even bother to show up in person. He smashes his helmet down violently onto the villain, knocking him out. She-Hulk says he shouldn't have hit him that hard since he's just a kid. Tony says she can do the clean up since he has somewhere better to be.

The real Tony Stark is chillin in a pool where some kind of illusion app in his contact allows him to control Iron Man from the comfort of the pool. Pepper arrives and tells Tony to get out of the pool. He eventually meets her inside and she disapproves that he's in a pool full of strangers and has taken up drinking again.

Tony shows Pepper he is working on a new symbiote-based liquid metal that can fuse with the body to form the Iron Man armor. Pepper tells him about the consequences of his new app. It seems everyone in San Francisco started to party hearty with their new looks. But worse, now the people that don't have access to the app are severely looked down upon.

A group of attractive people gang up on a homeless person, wanting her to leave the city. Just then one of the guys is smacked by by Daredevil's trademark weapon. The hero tells the crowd to back off. The guy he hit starts freaking out saying that 'something's wrong'.

Tony suits up and tells Pepper that the people won't stay perfect forever since he can't make money by giving away something like that for free. Just then the people in the pool outside start screaming a they start turning back to normal. Pepper picks up a phone someone dropped and it reads that the Extremis 3.0 App's free trial is over... and the daily renewal fee is 99.99. Iron Man says he wants to see how far the people will go to get their perfection back now that they had a taste of it. He then flies off.

Pepper consults with someone with how Tony has changed and seems to have fallen victim to his own ego. The person she's talking to says he will help, and it's revealed to be someone dressed in the classic Iron Man armor.

My Opinions

Wow is all I can say. So Iron Man gives the world a miracle cure of sorts.... and then takes it away charging 100 bucks daily if you want it back. Instant drug addiction. Not only that, he created a whole new kind of prejudice as now the 'beautiful people' look violently down upon those that can't use the free app. Pepper has reason to be worried. This Iron Man isn't twisted or misguided, he's an asshole.

Doc Ock as the Superior Spider-Man set out to eradicate all crime for the greater good, but also to stroke his ego and prove he's a much better hero than Parker ever was. All the wrong reasons and whatnot, but he's still doing this with good intentions. This Tony Stark is purposely getting people hooked on his drug. the charge a hundred bucks a day to keep using it after giving the city a week to get them hooked. Then he flies off with glee to see all the chaos he caused firsthand. This isn't some guy doing things with his own sense of greater good.... or some guy that was so short sighted he didn't realize he was causing more harm than good. No. Tony was doing this on purpose, and is about to go out and bask in his handiwork... What in the flying fuck dude...????

As for the victims, I do wonder how this affects the victims. Do they just turn back to normal, or even worse? Yeah, for someone super vain and self-centered it would suck to finally have the perfect body you always wanted.... and then to lose it... but it seemed some of these people seemed to be screaming in pain. And also what the hell is this Extremis app? Does it crawl out of your phone and into your body? Or how exactly does it get out of your phone and into you? I wonder if they'll ever explain that in detail later on.

It was also good to see She-Hulk and Daredevil in this. I always like seeing these little cameos and it does make sense since most of Marvel's heroes live in New York City. I also assume eventually the other Avengers will come after Tony once he goes too far. We'll have to see what happens. I'm interested in what's gonna happen so far.

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