Saturday, July 20, 2013

Nicktoons TMNT Episode 23- Parasitica

by Mark Rodriguez

Well, it sure took a while for us to get THIS episode, didn't it? For some reason this was aired the week after Pulverizer Returns.... but in the UK, while the rest of us just saw another rerun. For anyone that already saw this in the UK or already saw it online through not highly-recommended means... this one hardly feels like a 'new episode' at this point. But anyways, here we go.

The Turtles are driving around in the Shell Raiser, while Mikey is bored that they don't blow stuff up. They find a hidden Kraang lab and want to find out what they're up to. Raph is eager to trash the place, but they find it already trashed as it's littered with destroyed Kraangdroids. Don finds proof that they were experimenting with wasps, and Mike points out a giant mutated wasp.

As the Turtles dodge its attacks, Mike suggests he ties up with his Kusarigama, but Leo says Mike should have the bug chase him as the rest of them try to subdue it. Mike argues why they never listen to his plans, and Leo says it's because they're his plans and tell him to follow suit. Mike goes out and makes the wasp chase him. As the three Turtles get ready to jump the giant insect, Mikey already tied it up with his chains.

The wasp still flies around, dragging Mikey with him and it stings Leo. The wasp drops and Mikey said he tired it out. Don says it just died since it lost its stinger. He pulls the stinger out of Leo's arm. After looking around, Leo finds a wasp egg and says it's the only clue they have to find out what the Kraang were up to. He insists they take it back to the lair so Don can study it.

At the lair, Leo won't let Don touch the egg and wants to keep everyone away from it. The Turtles are confused as to why Leo is so obsessed over the wasp egg, and Mike suggests they ask Splinter. However Splinter is off training April.

They try to distract Leo with some pizza, that doesn't work. They try to distract him with an episode of Space Heroes, and it didn't work either. They even act as if Mikey was using Leo's rare plastic-wrapped first issue of the Space Heroes comic as toilet paper.... and still, no dice. Raph decides to destroy the egg later that night.

At night, Raph goes to destroy the egg, but Leo is now controlled by the wasp and attacks him. During the fight, Leo actually bites Raph. The next morning, Mike and Don are surprised to see Leo and Raph acting evil now, and Don notices the bite on Raph's arm. The Turtles hide in the lab and Mike makes sure the garage door is also locked.

In the lab, Don figures out that the kind of wasp that stung Leo infected him with a parasite that brainwashes him into guarding the egg, and when he bit Raph, he passed it on too. Mike asks if they will be back to normal after the egg hatches. Don tells Mike that the hatched wasp will eat them. Don will need a sample from the egg to make antibodies.

As they try to get to the egg, Leo and Raph attack Don and Mike. During the fight, Raph has taken the egg. Mike manages to chain up Leo and they take him to the lab. While chained up, Leo starts talking in his normal voice, trying to convince them that he's back to normal and is safe to untie. Mike wants to untie him, but Don convinces him he's still infected. Don gets a sample of Leo's blood and starts to work on the antibody, but Mike notices that Don has been bitten during the fight.

Don's time is running out and quickly explains how to finish the rest of antibody. Don soon get infected and he bites Mikey too. Mikey is worried since his time is also running out too, and he has to remember how to finish Don's work, and he passes out.

Leo, Raph and Don all watch over the egg, waiting for it to hatch and devour them. Don says Mikey will be joining them soon. Mikey does show up, also being possessed. As the turtles wait for the egg to hatch, Mike suddenly injects all three of them with the antibody.

The others are confused as to what happened since Mikey was also bitten and infected. Mikey explains he was able to finish the antibody, while passing out constantly, and injected himself with it. He then pretended to be infected to get close enough to the others to cure them. Raph is surprised that the whole plan actually sounded smart. Mike forgot to mention that the antibody causes drowsiness and the turtles soon fall asleep.

Just then, the egg hatches but instead of one wasp, three of them come out. Mike leads them away from the sleeping turtles but is trapped. The others soon wake up and try to take them down, but they end up being surrounded by them. Suddenly, they're blown to goop as Mikey shoots all three of them with the Shell Raiser. Mikey has saved their lives a second time.

Later on the turtles are mopping up the mess caused by the wasps, while Mikey rubs in the fact that he saved their lives. Leo then remembers that Mikey used his rare comic book as toilet paper. Mikey says it was just so he could chase him. Leo says it worked and he starts chasing him around. Mikey yells out 'I'M A HERO!!!' as Leo pins him down.

Well, we finally got to see this episode, didn't we? This ep was supposed to be aired before 'The Pulverizer Returns', but it was delayed for whatever reason. And now again, it was aired in the UK and took a while for it to finally be shown here... for whatever reason. Some people thought the zombie-ish turtles might have been too much for kids... but it was shown on TV anyway... so um.. what gives?

This was an interesting episode, possibly the 2012's version of 'What is Michealangelo good for?' in which the turtles were in trouble and it was up to Mikey to save the day all by himself. In both examples he shows that even though he's not the smartest of the bunch, he still comes through when he's most needed. I'm surprised he was able to remember Don's instructions on making the antibody. I liked how he actually did it. No dumb luck. No happenstance. No Mikey just happened to guess the right button to push or anything like that. He completed the antibody without any outside factor, all while trying to fight off the effects of the wasp bite. Way to go dude.

I'm surprised this was also a pretty straightforward episode. There was no sub plot or anything else. It was all focused on the Turtles themselves without any 'meanwhile' or 'elsewhere' scenes. Mentioning that Splinter was off training April, it would have been cool to have seen April overcome some challenge or something. Not that it was needed, but it did make the episode feel a bit short with it just having an A plot and not any sort of B plot.

I also liked the beginning where the Turtles were investigating what the Kraang were up to, showing that they're still doing their bizzare plans despite one of them being captured. It just seemed lately that they've been showing a lot of that one Kraang that Shredder captured that they forgot there's an entire race of them.

It was a good episode, there's not much to say other than it was a good episode. It was kind of a filler episode since I doubt we'll ever hear or see anything about the mutant wasps ever again. Don mentioned a point about the wasp simply being... just a giant wasp, instead of some sort of mutant WaspMan, so maybe that will be brought up in a later episode. But then again, the Mutagen of this series seems to be all over the place and incredibly unpredictable.

And for more TMNT mania... here's our thoughts on the TMNT 1 Hour Season Finale!!

And in retrospect, what Johnny and I thought about the series when it was new...

and what Dansleforet and I thought of the series mid-way through.....

Yep... this has definitely been a good year for TMNT fans everywhere. Stay tuned for more info as it develops.

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