Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bebop and Rocksteady Destroy Everything # 3

By Mark Rodriguez

Bebop and Rocksteady stole a time scepter from Savanti Romero and after running into the Turtles and Renet, went back to the year 2000, running into their past pre-mutated human selves. Both the human and mutant Bebop and Rocksteadys go through time in their Foot Cruiser, running into another pair of them in another car. They both appear in front of the Turtles and Renet and crash into each other. One pair of human Bebop and Rocksteadys didn't survive the crash, so the surviving mutants ran into the car of the other 4 and they all escaped through time, all in front of the very shocked and confused Turtles and Renet.

Mikey freaks out and asks Renet if they were sent to the crazverse, which she says she wouldn't take them there. Leo is worried that Renet just confirmed that there is a crazyverse, while Renet and Don explain time travel theories as to what happened. Savanti Romero arrived where they are now and had the scepter stolen from him by Bebop and Rocksteady. Savanti is currently there now but they can't see each other since they are both in different dimensions and alternate timelines. She can't take them to before Bebop and Rocksteady got the scepter but she does know where they went. Back to 2012 at Stockgen. The Turtles panic because this was when they were still ordinary turtles in Stockgen before they were mutated.

All the Bebops and Rocksteadys attack Stockgen and demand to know where the Mutagen is, though the people working there wouldn't know something so confidential. Bebop tells Rocksteady to stop messing around and help break a door down. This sparks an arguement between the two, which also sets off the human Bebop and Rocksteady to fight among themselves.

During the destruction, April and Lindsay are hiding with the normal Turtles, but don't know where Splinter ran off to. Lindsay is shocked by how the mutants killed Baxter Stockman. Before they can leave, a portal opens with the Turtles and Renet. Mikey explains that they're the turtles she's holding, but mutated. Chet comes along to catch April before she faints.

Chet gets hurt during the fight, which reveals that he was the Fugitoid all along. The Turtles start fighting and soon realize that the human duo with them are the pre-mutated Bebop and Rocksteady. Leo tells them to take down the mutant pair first since they'll be easier, but the regular Bebop and Rocksteady prove to be a challenge. Meanwhile the mutant duo smashes through the door. Leo says to forget taking down anybody and just try to get the scepter back.

The Turtles bust in and Bebop socks Mikey into one of the several containment units in the lab. This releases Slash who is more feral at this point, and he starts attacking Bebop. Human Bebop thinks one of the normal Turtles turned into Slash and asks mutant Rocksteady if he should help mutant Bebop against the Super Saiyan Turtle (lol, he actually said that).

The Turtles use this as a chance to get the scepter while Bebop and Rocksteady want to mutate their human selves. The Turtles overhear this and want to stop them before it happens. Just then ANOTHER set of Bebop and Rocksteadys, both human and mutants, come through another time portal using a car from Rio de Janeiro.

Just then through all the commotion, mutant monsters are being released, some of them look like Wingunt, Screwloose and a mutant roach. Just then a bunch of stone warriors bust in to save the Krang's ooze befoee it's stolen. The military also busts in to arrest everybody.

Everybody is basically fighting everybody while Renet and April lost sight of the Turtles. Bebop tries to cut Raphael up with his chainsaw until Pepperoni flies in through a time portal and smashes Bebop down.With all the chaos, Bebop and Rocksteady decide to just throw all the extra mutants into random time portals. A scientist that kinda looks like 80's Baxter is worried about his sea life mutants and Bebop shoves him into a portal too. During the fight between the soldiers and Stone Warriors, they also get exposed to Mutagen and start mutating.

April gets exposed as well and Bebop makes her fall into another portal before Fugitoid can grab her. As Bebop and Rocksteady decide to escape with their human selves, Bebop accidentally squishes normal rat Splinter that was running around. With all the random mutants and soldiers and whatnot thrown into all kinds of different time periods, Renet says they have to go outside of time to fix all of this. She takes the Turtles with her back to the 79th dimension.

My opinions

My goodness, this is totally insane and well... this is what comics are all about. An all-out brawl between random mutants, multiple Bebops and Rocksteadys, both human and mutant, the Turtles, the military and stone warriors. It's just madness! I can only assume through all this madness that the Bebop and Rocksteady pair we saw get away are the main ones that we've been following.

There are so many other things in this issue I can talk about that it would make it's own Top 10. A reference to 80's Baxter. A DBZ reference. Donatello talking to reader as he's explaining the time travel theory. All the extra mutants and cameos. The Turtles trying to name their new dino-pal as Anchovy or Bell Pepper. It's just insane all around.

But man, what a mess they made in this timeline. They killed Baxter. They mutated April. They shoved random mutants into who-knows-where of multiple timelines. They even squished normal rat Splinter. I don't even know where the 4 regular Turtles are at this point since April was guarding them.

This all falls under the timeline theory as seen in DBZ with Trunks. When you travel through time you make a brand new timeline and can't really change the one you're from. That's why Trunks saved Goku and everyone but dying and they defeated the Androids and Cell.... but when Trunks went back to his timeline, everyone was still dead and he had to destroy the Androids and Cell himself. So I assume with all of this craziness our regular non-mutant April and mutant Splinter still exist. But man, what a nightmare all of this was. Like the title suggests, Bebop and Rocksteady really are destroying everything!

The last thing I want to bring up are all the little plot threads here and there that were around since the beginning. Back when April was working with Lindsay at Stockgen, Chet was Fugitoid all this time but that wouldn't be revealed til way later, and Slash has been held captive there but that also wouldn't have been revealed til way later. In fact, I don't even think the Turtles knew Slash came from Stockgen til now. It was interesting to see Wingnut and Screwloose as cameos, but it looks like cameos are all they're gonna be unless they somehow survive whatever Renet is going to do to fix all of this.

And just what is Renet going to do to fix all this? I guess we'll find out next time.

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