Thursday, October 16, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 26

By Mark Rodriguez

This episode was pretty much to the point and other than some scenes of Fitz and such, didn't really have multiple plot threads going on.

The episode reveals that a painting has been discovered in a burnt down church, that happens to have the same markings that Coulson carves out on the back. Coulson and May go undercover as a couple to a fancy party to try to get it. They notice that Talbot, the military guy that is out to get them, is also there. Coulson decides the plan has been compromised as Talbot can blow their cover at any time and decide to grab the painting. The painting was already stolen by Talbot himself. Talbot meets up with Coulson and wants them to meet in a hotel since Coulson might be able to figure out what the markings mean. May decides to go ahead to make sure it's safe.

At the hotel, May fights it out with Talbot and a HYDRA female agent that used to be one of SHIELD. As she smacks Talbot in the face, she realizes it's a HYDRA agent wearing the same electronic fishnet face mask that the Black Widow was using in the Winter Soldier. The kind that makes your face look like someone else. May is soon knocked out and the HYDRA agent is made to look like her. This HYDRA agent was actually SHIELD Agent 33 that was brainwashed into working for HYDRA in the previous episode.

Coulson finds fake May and takes her back to the plane, where she plants a device that will damage the plane and blow it up. As Coulson and May head out to meet with the fake Talbot, he finally figures out she is an impostor. The real May escapes and fights it out against her doppelganger. Coulson and May manage to escape before more HYDRA agents could be called in for reinforcements.

Elsewhere the SHIELD plane is being destroyed as electronics start shorting out one by one. Fitz knows how to fix it and gets Hunter to help him out since he has steadier hands and calmer nerves. They manage to stop the HYDRA device and save the plane before it would get any worse. As Coulson and May head back to base, he tells her he's worried about one day going crazy like Garrett did and says it's up to her to put him down when that time comes.

Meanwhile Rayna is attacked by HYDRA and has a device planted on her hand that infects it. They tell her that she has 48 hours to return the Obelisk she stole from them earlier.

My Opinions

It was a fun episode. I like how the advertising for it focused mostly on Coulson and May dancing at a fancy party without mentioning exactly why they were there or what the mission was about. It was funny seeing cold and serious May having to smile and mingle with people. She commented that her face hurt from all the smiling, and as the other Agents overheard their conversations, Skye said 'That's the most I ever heard May talk in a year'. I also like how the sound of her actually laughing freaked the other Agents out. And hey, May also flirts in spanish. That was unexpected.

The one thing that comes up in this episode is the same photostatic veil mask that the Black Widow used near the end of Captain America The Winter Soldier. While it was SHIELD tech, it's obvious HYDRA either stole the idea, had some of the brainwashed agents make it for them, or hell, they were probably the ones that invented it while they were undercover as SHIELD agents. Paige liked the fact that not only do we see this little nod the recent film, but this time they actually show how it works. We see the process of how they program it to make Agent 33 look like Melinda May.

yeah yeah I know, not exactly one of Scarlet's most flattering pictures, is it?
As for Agent 33 I feel sorry for her. When you think about it, she's an innocent victim here. She had no idea what she was doing throughout the episode and it's sad to think that Coulson and May most likely believe she just betrayed them of her own choosing. The last episode showed how much of a struggle she put up against the brainwashing the best she could. She'd never side with the bad guys, and now she is forced her, and the good guys don't know the difference. Of course with SHIELD being such a huge organization before it's downfall, it really is hard to tell which agents were HYDRA all along, which ones were easily seduced into HYDRA by money, power or other selfish reasons, or which ones were brainwashed against their will like Agent 33 was. Either way, she's a sad case.

I have to say the fight between May and May 33 was pretty cool and fast paced. They did a good job making it fast and intense enough to overlook the fact that one of them had to be some kind of stunt double whenever both were on screen at the same time. Plus, as kick ass as May is, it's nice to see someone test her abilities once in a while, and this was a pretty decent fight.

As for Talbot, I was pissed when they revealed the HYDRA symbols and such, because I thought that meant he was HYDRA all along. Which would also mean that instead of turning Creel into justice in episode 2, they just handed him right back to HYDRA. But no, he was an impostor. The real Talbot is still following the law, and is still a jerk in his own right.

Finally for the other plot threads, the painting reveals that someone else out there knows the same writing that Coulson and Garrett wrote out. And Coulson also fears he's getting worse and he might go insane someday and May will have to put him down. It seems like this will be a major thing throughout this season. All the work to bring Coulson back to life and all the mystery of just how he came back to life.... and he must be put down if he goes crazy?

Just what is the meaning behind this bizzare alien writing and how does the obelisk relate to it???

We also had Fitz dealing with being an outsider as he feels noone really wants him around anymore. I like how fake Simmons tries to cheer him up and even he knows its a delusion now and shushes her up at times so he doesn't look crazy in front of other people. Hunter invites him to hang with Triplet and Mac for a round of beers to celebrate their victory, which was in part thanks to Fitz, and he finally decides to join in and try to socialize.

And finally we have Rayna following whatever her own plans are, being forced by HYDRA to being back the object she stole. It's gonna heat up next episode as not only do we see Rayna try to take Skye to finally see her father, but it also seems that Simmons' cover is blown. I can't wait to see what happens as it looks like it's gonna be a 'all hell breaks loose' kind of episode.

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