Thursday, October 16, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 26

By Mark Rodriguez

This episode was pretty much to the point and other than some scenes of Fitz and such, didn't really have multiple plot threads going on.

The episode reveals that a painting has been discovered in a burnt down church, that happens to have the same markings that Coulson carves out on the back. Coulson and May go undercover as a couple to a fancy party to try to get it. They notice that Talbot, the military guy that is out to get them, is also there. Coulson decides the plan has been compromised as Talbot can blow their cover at any time and decide to grab the painting. The painting was already stolen by Talbot himself. Talbot meets up with Coulson and wants them to meet in a hotel since Coulson might be able to figure out what the markings mean. May decides to go ahead to make sure it's safe.

At the hotel, May fights it out with Talbot and a HYDRA female agent that used to be one of SHIELD. As she smacks Talbot in the face, she realizes it's a HYDRA agent wearing the same electronic fishnet face mask that the Black Widow was using in the Winter Soldier. The kind that makes your face look like someone else. May is soon knocked out and the HYDRA agent is made to look like her. This HYDRA agent was actually SHIELD Agent 33 that was brainwashed into working for HYDRA in the previous episode.

Coulson finds fake May and takes her back to the plane, where she plants a device that will damage the plane and blow it up. As Coulson and May head out to meet with the fake Talbot, he finally figures out she is an impostor. The real May escapes and fights it out against her doppelganger. Coulson and May manage to escape before more HYDRA agents could be called in for reinforcements.

Elsewhere the SHIELD plane is being destroyed as electronics start shorting out one by one. Fitz knows how to fix it and gets Hunter to help him out since he has steadier hands and calmer nerves. They manage to stop the HYDRA device and save the plane before it would get any worse. As Coulson and May head back to base, he tells her he's worried about one day going crazy like Garrett did and says it's up to her to put him down when that time comes.

Meanwhile Rayna is attacked by HYDRA and has a device planted on her hand that infects it. They tell her that she has 48 hours to return the Obelisk she stole from them earlier.

My Opinions

It was a fun episode. I like how the advertising for it focused mostly on Coulson and May dancing at a fancy party without mentioning exactly why they were there or what the mission was about. It was funny seeing cold and serious May having to smile and mingle with people. She commented that her face hurt from all the smiling, and as the other Agents overheard their conversations, Skye said 'That's the most I ever heard May talk in a year'. I also like how the sound of her actually laughing freaked the other Agents out. And hey, May also flirts in spanish. That was unexpected.

The one thing that comes up in this episode is the same photostatic veil mask that the Black Widow used near the end of Captain America The Winter Soldier. While it was SHIELD tech, it's obvious HYDRA either stole the idea, had some of the brainwashed agents make it for them, or hell, they were probably the ones that invented it while they were undercover as SHIELD agents. Paige liked the fact that not only do we see this little nod the recent film, but this time they actually show how it works. We see the process of how they program it to make Agent 33 look like Melinda May.

yeah yeah I know, not exactly one of Scarlet's most flattering pictures, is it?
As for Agent 33 I feel sorry for her. When you think about it, she's an innocent victim here. She had no idea what she was doing throughout the episode and it's sad to think that Coulson and May most likely believe she just betrayed them of her own choosing. The last episode showed how much of a struggle she put up against the brainwashing the best she could. She'd never side with the bad guys, and now she is forced her, and the good guys don't know the difference. Of course with SHIELD being such a huge organization before it's downfall, it really is hard to tell which agents were HYDRA all along, which ones were easily seduced into HYDRA by money, power or other selfish reasons, or which ones were brainwashed against their will like Agent 33 was. Either way, she's a sad case.

I have to say the fight between May and May 33 was pretty cool and fast paced. They did a good job making it fast and intense enough to overlook the fact that one of them had to be some kind of stunt double whenever both were on screen at the same time. Plus, as kick ass as May is, it's nice to see someone test her abilities once in a while, and this was a pretty decent fight.

As for Talbot, I was pissed when they revealed the HYDRA symbols and such, because I thought that meant he was HYDRA all along. Which would also mean that instead of turning Creel into justice in episode 2, they just handed him right back to HYDRA. But no, he was an impostor. The real Talbot is still following the law, and is still a jerk in his own right.

Finally for the other plot threads, the painting reveals that someone else out there knows the same writing that Coulson and Garrett wrote out. And Coulson also fears he's getting worse and he might go insane someday and May will have to put him down. It seems like this will be a major thing throughout this season. All the work to bring Coulson back to life and all the mystery of just how he came back to life.... and he must be put down if he goes crazy?

Just what is the meaning behind this bizzare alien writing and how does the obelisk relate to it???

We also had Fitz dealing with being an outsider as he feels noone really wants him around anymore. I like how fake Simmons tries to cheer him up and even he knows its a delusion now and shushes her up at times so he doesn't look crazy in front of other people. Hunter invites him to hang with Triplet and Mac for a round of beers to celebrate their victory, which was in part thanks to Fitz, and he finally decides to join in and try to socialize.

And finally we have Rayna following whatever her own plans are, being forced by HYDRA to being back the object she stole. It's gonna heat up next episode as not only do we see Rayna try to take Skye to finally see her father, but it also seems that Simmons' cover is blown. I can't wait to see what happens as it looks like it's gonna be a 'all hell breaks loose' kind of episode.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 25

By Mark Rodriguez

This episode opens with a big shocker as we find out that Simmons has left SHIELD to work for HYDRA!!! Actually soon enough we find out that she's actually undercover for SHIELD and Coulson and May were in on it. HYDRA is out looking for super powered people to recruit, similar to how they had the Absorbing Man working with them and are now after Donnie Gil, who is now able to freeze things by touching them.

Skye questions Grant about HYDRA's methods and he tells her that they're after super powered people they could use, and if they refuse to serve, they'll be taken out. The Agents head out to get to Gil first, leaving Fitz with Mac. HYDRA also suspects Simmons' loyalty and make her help them take Gil in, since they have met before. Gil meanwhile is sick of being chased by HYDRA agents and has already frozen some to death.

Fitz goes to question Grant further, and nearly had a breakdown upon seeing him, remembering how he almost died rescuing Simmons. Grant tells him he was told by Garrett to shoot them outright, but he sent them on the underwater trap hoping they could escape it. Fitz tells him how he got brain damage from lack of oxygen and shuts the oxygen off in his holding cell to show him how it feels. Grant tells him that everyone is in danger if they're going after Gil.

Simmons gets to Gil, and HYDRA reveals they have brainwashed him when he was locked away and can be made to side with them once they give him the trigger words. The Agents arrive and Hunter sees Simmons, not knowing she's an undercover HYDRA agent and is about to shoot her, but May ices him first. With HYDRA aware that SHIELD is about, they send Gil to kill them all. Simmons tries to talk to Gil, and Skye shoots him into the ocean, freezing everything around him. She then pretends to shoot at the HYDRA agent so that Simmons has enough time to push him out of the way and further prove her 'loyalty' to the bad guys.

Later on Coulson tells Fitz he sees that he's improving, and that Simmons left because she's on a mission, but won't tell him what. HYDRA is pleased with Simmons and want her to move up the ranks, and if she doesn't want to cooperate, they can brainwash her. Just then one of the SHIELD agents that was seen being tortured with brainwashing techniques throughout the episode is shown to be loyal to HYDRA now.

The episode ends with Grant telling Skye that her father is alive and he can help her find him if she lets him go. She leaves him locked up, now full with doubts.

My opinions

Well, the first thing I'd like to say is that I'm glad Simmons really wasn't with HYDRA. I mean, geez, Grant almost killed her as a HYDRA agent, so why the hell would she side with them? She played her part well and was put front and center when she had to confront Gil and try to suede him over to HYDRA without blowing her cover.

Skye continues to hate Grant as much as she likes him. They liked to play up the tension between the two, and despite the betrayal, you can tell she wishes it wasn't true. Grant however is still full of tricks and knowing about her father is the ace up of his sleeve. We can already see that he sees sweet talking Skye as his ticket out of there and we all know eventually she'll cave and let him out. The question is, will Grant redeem himself, go back to HYDRA or go on his own side.

Fitz finally sees that the Simmons hallucination isn't there and wants to know what really happened to her. His scene with Grant was also cool, with his little breakdown as well as his plan to take revenge. Even though they need him alive for inside info on HYDRA, I kinda wish Grant at least got the same brain damage he caused Fitz.

I also liked the little 'payback' that May and Triplet had coming for Hunter after having shot them in the last episode. May had to shoot Hunter to prevent him from unknowingly taking Simmons down. In the end that counted as he revenge shot but she smiles and reminds him that she might be even with him now, but Triplet still owes him one. I do like Hunter and Mac, their interactions with the classic team are humorous and I hope they stick for the rest of the season.

As for Gil, he really got to show his Blizzard powers this time. Not only did Hydra train him with his powers while he was imprisoned, they also brainwashed. Literally a cold blooded killer, he just wants to be left alone and doesn't hesitate to freeze all the agents to death without remorse. It was cool seeing him back, and how his return affected Simmons and Fitz. Even when he wasn't there, Fitz was upset he couldn't go. I wonder if him falling into the ocean was really the end of him.

The show continues to be entertaining with its story arcs, now involving Simmons as an undercover agent, Grant's manipulation of Skye, and these cool new agents joining the fold. And having some characters like Gil come back to keep the Marvel super power action going on, to of course, remind us that this is a Marvel comics show is always good. I can't wait to see what awaits us in upcoming episodes.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 24

By Mark Rodriguez

Again, here's a brief rundown and my thoughts. The episode actually starts off right where the last one ended, with Creel walking away with the dangerous item and Hunter stuck in an upside down car next to his dead friends. May arrives and continues the chase after Creel, but Hunter is captured by the military. The general wants Hunter to tell them how to get Coulson and and in exchange he wants a proper burial for his friends.

Hunter returns and tells Coulson that he didn't betray him, and he trusts him on the team. Fitz is still trying to work on cloaking technology while suffering hallucinations of Simmons by his side and decides to work on something that will stop Creel. Meanwhile Creel's powers are out of control after touching the item and accidentaly turns people into stone by touching them. He's approached by Raina who wants the item as well, but he's not interested.

Raina calls Coulson and tells him about Creel and the item. The team heads out to catch him before he can deliver the item to his HYDRA contact, but Hunter wants to take down Creel by himself to avenge his friends. He shoots May, Skye and Triplet with icers and tries to take on Creel himself but the commotion causes a panic and a fight breaks out. During the ruckus, the HYDRA agent loses sight of the briefcase he was supposed to get and notices that Raina ran off with it. Coulson saves Hunter from being killed by Creel by slamming a device on his back that turned him to stone. Coulson turns Creel in to the military but they will still continue to chase after SHIELD.

Later we see that every couple of days, Coulson has the urge to write out the same super equation that Garrett was doing after he reviewed the miracle drug. Later on we see Raina use the item but it doesn't kill her this time. Instead it lights up with symbols similar to those of Coulson's equation. It's also revealed Raina is now working for Skye's mystery father... and he wants his daughter back.

My Opinions

Another good episode. I wasn't expecting it to continue right where the last one ended, so it was good to see another ep with the Absorbing Man. They do good work on the CGI with him, especially that last scene where he turned into diamond and glass and all sorts of material before Coulson's device turned him to stone. Musta blown most of the budget for the first two eps just with that.

 It looks like Hunter and Mac are sticking around. It was good to see that despite being tempted with a lot of money from the military, Hunter didn't betray SHIELD. Seeing Hunter stick around, as well as all the time he mentioned Hartley and her death, it really made me wish Lucy Lawless stuck around instead of dying in the same episode her character was introduced. As for Mac, he's hanging with Fitz now and helping him focus as he tries to regain his sanity.

what the hell Ghost Simmons, stop creepin'!
It's sad to see Simmons around Fitz knowing she's just a hallucination in his head, but wow. To what extent does she function? It's funny seeing her interact with Mac even though he clearly doesn't see her, and she does react when people say she isn't around. The oddest thing is when Fitz nearly walked past Creel's DNA files. He was clearly going to walk past them, not paying them a second mind, but 'Simmons' sees them and tells him about how does that work?

We're also gonna see how Fitz will deal with reality as Mac is unaware of what he sees and asks him things like how he's doing after Simmons left. And it seems she didn't leave in good terms, since Skye feels pretty angry about it and says 'she abandoned all of us'. Well... it's gonna get more complicated next episode since the advertisements shows that the real Simmons will in fact, return in that episode.... but working for HYDRA! Oh crap, say it ain't so Simmons!

I have to say, flashbacks aside, this is also the first episode of the entire series not NOT have Grant Ward in it. I kinda hope it stays that way for a while. I know he was a major player in the first season, but he betrayed them all, killed fellow SHIELD agents and is locked up. They shouldn't have to find some excuse to put him in every episode. Although with Simmons entering in the next episode, she might be after Grant.