Saturday, May 17, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 22

By Mark Rodriguez

So it all comes to a head in this epic and dramatic season finale to Agents of SHIELD. Last time we found out that Ward owes everything to Garrett because he.... treated him like crap all his life, but at least he broke him out of juvie. The agents discover that Garrett was the first Deathlok, but he's dying anyway. Ward finds Fitz and Simmons sneaking around their jet and he kicks them off in a big metal box into the sea below. Garrett is given the same miracle drug that revived Coulson and Skye and he feels like a million bucks. Quinn want to sell the Centipede soldiers to the US military. Where will this all end?

The ep starts right where we left off, with Centipede soldiers attacking the agents who lurking around a secret room in the barber shop that Garrett always visits, and one of them is using the Asgardian pole. May manages to snatch it away and use it to defeat the soldiers. She then destroys the foundations of the building and brings the house down.

Elsewhere Garrett is informed that the agents got away, but he doesn't really care. Now he has his health back and is super strong. He also seems to have a new sense of clarity on survival and sees himself and bigger than HYDRA, they were only a means to an end. He breaks a glass door off the hinges and starts carving out some kind of formula on it as Grant and Peterson look on. Grant is worried Garrett is starting to go crazy.

Simmons wakes up and Fitz explained they're trapped in the room they locked themselves in earlier.... except now they're trapped in the bottom of the ocean. Fitz explains it seems there is no way out... all they can do it wait to die. By now Skye and the others have found out that Fitz and Skye are missing.

Reina and Garrett look over the Gravitnium device and she tells him that Grant is worried that he went insane. Reina said all along she's only been interested in evolution, wether  Garrett is a Clairvoyant or not.

Eventually Fitz and Simmons come up with a way to possibly blow themselves up to the surface based on the chemicals at their disposal and the material used to seal the bulletproof glass in.

While Quinn is showing his tech within the Cybertek building to the military buyers, Coulson and Triplett are staking the area. They throw a device that plays a recording of screaming and gunfire that distracts the soldiers. Triplett and Coulson knock them out and take their armored truck. They fire a missile into the building and May and Skye jump inside.

Garrett and Peteron walk into the room where Quinn is discussing his deal with the generals and starts talking his insane evolution speeches. Quinn tries to save face, but Garrett points out that the generals really have no choice but to side with them. The general takes that as a threat and Garrett runs his hand through his gut and lifts him up. Grant thinks this is going too far. Garrett says this is only the beginning of the end and he beats the general down with his own intestine.

Grant goes to see Reina and stops her from taking the Gravitonium. He's upset that Garrett is going crazy. Reina says they need Skye to get the information from her flash drive. She asks Grant if he really is a monster or if Garrett made him that way.

Coulson and Triplett are now trapped inside the armored truck as the Centipede soldiers try to punch their way inside. May and Skye storm inside the Cybertek building, shooting and fighting anyone in their way. Skye tells everyone she has a bomb and the people inside don't take her seriously. She then activates her trojan horse within HYDRA's tech that basically sets all the Centipede soldiers to their default directive: to drop everything and protect Garrett. Coulson heads inside and tells Triplett that if he doesn't return it's up to him to destroy the Cybertek building.

Skye calls Garrett and rubs in the fact that she has taken control of the Cybertek building in his face. He tells her about how Fitz and Simmons must be on their final breaths by now. Garrett orders Grant to get Skye and bring her in.

Simmons and Fitz set up their escape plan but for it to work, Fitz has to stay behind to activate his plan and the pressure used to blast them to the surface might bust his lungs. Simmons won't do it, but after much protest, she sets it into motion. The plan works and both Simmons and Fitz are pushed up towards the surface. Simmons is alright but Fitz is unconcious. Just then a helicopter arrives and Nick Fury himself reaches out to rescue them.

Nick Fury to the rescue
Simmons is surprised to see that Fury is still alive (everyone thinks he's still dead after the events of The Winter Soldier, only Maria Hill, Captain America and Black Widow know the truth). Fitz is being held for decompression. Fury explains their plan also set off a mixed beacon and it just so happens he was looking for any signs of Coulson. He then asks Simmons if she knows where he is.

Back at Cybertek, Skye is questioning one of their techs, but he won't answer. Just then Grant shows up with a gun. Skye aims her gun at him and he taunts her, knowing she won't shoot. Skye mentioned having a secret weapon. Grant asks about it is, and she says 'you slept with her, and she's very angry', and May busts into the scene. An epic fight breaks out as May and Grant dish out their hatred for each other, smashing through a wall and taking the battle to a room full of tools.

Geez, they really take this fight far....
Coulson shows up and punches Garrett. Garrett punches back and sends Coulson flying. Furys shows up and gives Coulson the gun he used on Loki in the Avengers movie to shoot down all the Centipede soldiers. Fury shoots Garrett down but he's still alive.

Grant and May continue to fight it out. May grabs a staple gun and staples Grant's foot to the ground. She then knocks him out with a kick to the face.

Skye takes the tech with her demanding to know what Cybertek has on him to keep him loyal. She finds the room that has the tech's wife who was held hostage in exchange for his help. Skye then goes to another room and finds Peterson's kid.

Meanwhile, Peterson is commanded to kill Coulson and Fury by Garrett. Skye has hacked into the system that displays the orders Peterson sees in his killswitch eye and has his kid write something only he would know would be from his son. As Peterson sees the message, he recognizes it as coming from his son and he shoots Garrett down. He didn't have the same default directive to protect him as the others. Peterson approaches Garrett and slams his cyber-foot down on him.

Later on the Centipede soldiers are being taken away, and without further exposure to the serum, they'll eventually go back to normal. Coulson tells Grant that they will torture him to get any kind of HYDRA information out of him that they can. May says he won't be talking for a while since he has a broken larynx. Peterson decides to leave before his son can see the monster he's become. As Deathlok he'll go off making amends for his actions.

We then get a scene where one of the soldiers steps into the Deathlok device and becomes another powerful cyborg soldier. He gloats about rebuilding HYDRA his way.... but before we can get another season with this guy as the new top villain, Coulson comes in and blows him away.

Coulson and Fury argue about the procedures used to revive him. Coulson himself wished they abandoned the TAHITI project and it was meant to be used to revive a fallen Avenger. Fury says he did and tells Coulson how important he thinks he is. He now has Coulson be in charge of rebuilding SHIELD and being the new director in charge, as May watches over him. Fury then leaves saying he'll be everywhere. Simmons shows up and everyone is happy to see that she's alright.

The agents arrive to a base called The Playground and find Koenig there... or I don't know... his twin brother or someone? I'm not sure how he could have survived Grant's attack. Either way, this guy welcomes the team aboard and is glad to help them rebuild SHIELD.

Elsewhere, Reina finds a mysterious man and shows him a picture of Skye and tells him she 'found his daughter'.

Coulson later studies the equation Garrett wrote out earlier... and write out the exact equation, though it looks like the finished version. What does this mean?

My Opinions:

Well, this has been an epic series. It might have started slow for some, and well, there was only so much one can do with a TV budget. Obviously they couldn't shell out the big bucks to have Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans guest star, as well as the kind of special effects it would take to feature the Hulk. There was only so much they could do with what they got, and they did a decent job. We did get some comic characters here and there, like Deathlok, Blackout, Lady Sif, Lorelei and Victoria Hand and several movie references per episode. While the Thor Dark World tie-in was just them cleaning up the mess.... the Winter Soldier tie-in changed the entire course of the plot and basically made the movie a necessity to see to know what was going on.

I enjoyed the show, and while not every episode was perfect, it was a fun ride. Once we got to the HYDRA arc everything was cranked into high gear and things from all the episodes were starting to fall into place. It was surprising to see Garrett being a traitor, but even a bigger shock to see that Grant was also a HYDRA agent, seeing as he was a regular cast member. Now that he's been busted, I assume we're going to not see him in the second season. Maybe an episode to bring him back, but I really hope the characters continue to hate him and aren't so quick to forgive him. I assume Triplett will take his place since he's also a skilled fighter.

Speaking of which I was surprised how hardcore Grant was in the fight against May. Like geez dude, he really wanted to just kill her. Despite his treacherous nature, he still showed some restraint about having to hurt Skye, he was upset when Garrett's plan involved Quinn shooting her down, and he did show some signs of regret and remorse when he had to finish off Fitz and Simmons. But there was none of that with May. He just wanted to kill her dead, and threw insults about their short-lived affair in her face, proving it didn't mean a thing to him. May of course, is enraged and with valid reason, but I am surprised that he seems to show no sense of compassion towards her at all.

It was good to see Fury in all this, and more than just a cameo, he was actually a big part of the final act. I did like how Fury and Coulson belittled Garrett when he was talking all of his supervillain garbage. "You didn't tell me he was this crazy!" And it was a plus seeing Coulson use the gun he used to blast Loki. "I know what it does." And we finally got to see Coulson discuss with Fury about his revival. Of course Fury tells him what I was thinking all this time, Coulson should be happy he's alive again and able to make a difference.

And just when I thought that this series was going to end because I didn't see how they could possibly continue after this.... Fury makes Coulson the new director of SHIELD and puts him in charge of rebuilding it. SHIELD is, of course, a huge organization and Coulson's little group was but one of many, especially when you include the people in the helicarriers and The Hub. Let's see how Coulson will handle being in charge of the whole thing. And we still have open plot points like the meaning behind that equation, Skye's parents and any remaining HYDRA agents. I just hope season 2 has different threats and not everything coming from one thing. While it was cool seeing all the bad guys comes together under Garrett, I would have liked it if Centipede and HYDRA were two separate threats.

Well, kudos to the producers for a great first season. Let's see what happens in season 2. In the meantime we're going to have an 8 episode min-series about Agent Carter, the girl that Captain America was in love with in the first movie. I assume this will take place some time after the Cap was lost and will deal with how she copes with this loss. I do wonder exactly what they can make 8 episodes about taking place in the World War 2 era... but looks like we'll find out.

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