Saturday, April 5, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 16

By Mark Rodriguez

Man, I CANNOT believe that I missed this week's episode. Apparently it has something to do with Captain America Winter Soldier, and it also brought back Mike Peterson as Deathlok. Thanks to my friends from work and Lisardo, I was able to catch it on Hulu. And in good time too since I plan to watch the new Captain America movie this weekend. Let's check it out.

 The episode opens with Agents Garrett and Triplet checking into a safe house. Garrett wants to talk to Coulson over to phone to discuss potential suspects for the Clairvoyant. Just then Mike Peterson busts in. Garrett and Triplet hit them with their fancy firepower. Peterson seems to be down, but he gets back up, yanks the ammunition out of himself and jumps straight up, leaving a hole in the ceiling as she gets away.

Later on, Coulson has a meeting with the several agents we have seen in the episodes, including Garrett, Triplet and Victoria Hand. As the SHIELD plane takes to the sky, Coulson tells them that they should be out of range of the Clairvoyant's reach. Coulson and Garrett have narrowed down a list of 13 candidates that could be the Clairvoyant based on rejected cases of past files on people with psychic abilities. Garrett believes they sent Peterson after them since the Clairvoyant knew they were getting close. Coulson says they have someone that can prioritize the candidates and the agents will split up in teams to find them.

Meanwhile, Fitz and Simmons are drawing more blood from Skye hoping to send a sample of the miracle drug that saved her life to get it examined. Skye says they should trust Coulson and keep it between them. Fitz and Simmons ask Skye since when did she start to follow the rules. Grant arrives and tells Skye to join the meeting.

As Skye joins the others, she suggests the teams that split should only know part of the mission. She asks how can she check on the candidates without clearance for SHIELD's files. Coulson announces that she is now an official member of SHIELD and hand her her badge. Everyone congratulates her and go back to work.

Meanwhile, Peterson is alone in some crappy run down hotel and looks himself in the mirror and notices the mark left on his forehead after the gunfight. He sees words in his eye saying 'don't say I never gave you anything'. He receives a package, and it's a gauntlet. Once he puts it on, it grafts itself to his arm and seems to be some kind of weapon. The Clairvoyant tells him that they're getting to close to him and it's time that they meet.

Skye gives Garrett a phone and tells him it will give him the location of one of the 3 candidates she chose. When he gets within a mile of the area, his partner's phone will then tell him about the identity of the person. Garrett tells Skye he trained Grant, much like he trained her, and notices he's different since he now has someone to fight for.

Fitz talks to Melinda about more weapons, when Simmons walks in talking about Skye's blood. Caught red-handed, Fitz and Simmons tell her they're only studying the samples in case Skye or Coulson have any side effects. Melinda says if either of them do, to be sure to let her know first. She then walks off smiling and Fitz and Simmons feel weird.

Grant and Triplet are paired off and are after someone locked in prison. Melinda and Blake are paired off as they try looking at an old folks home. Coulson and Garrett are paired off as well as they drive down the city. As they do, a garbage truck conveniently blocks their path. The agents know something is up and get ready for a trap.

While Melinda goes to find their target, Peterson shows up and starts attacking Blake, throwing him into a wall. Blake shoots him to no avail, and Peterson grabs him by the throat. Blake reminds him that he has a kid and they can still help him. Peterson says 'Mike Peterson is dead' and kills him. Melinda arrives and alerts everyone that Deathlok just took down one of their agents. Deathlok aims his new arm guns at Melinda and blows up the wall behind her, knocking her out. He then walks off.

Later the agents discuss that Blake is now in critical condition. Victoria and Garrett argue over wether or not the plan was sound. Victoria wants her agents completely informed about what Deathlok is. Since the attack took place where May and Blake were investigating a man named Nash, he now became the prime suspect. Simmons is being sent to The Hub to do just that, and she sees it as a chance to get a molecular breakdown of Skye's blood samples. Triplet comes in and will be escorting her, and Fitz notices a slight chemistry between the two.

The agents discuss Nash and Skye mentions it was said he can predict human behavior. Coulson asks Melinda how many rounds Blake fired at Deathlok, and she says she heard 6. Coulson says only 5 are missing from the magazine and they can track the missing one.

The agents track the signal to a warehouse in Pensacola, Florida and storm inside. Coulson and Grant make Skye stay behind, but she can monitor the situation and help them find Deathlok. Fitz releasing flying orbs to also help and track him down. Deathlok finds Grant's team and shoots down two of his men. Melinda chases after him but he gets way, leaving Coulson and Garrett in hot pursuit. Deathlok escapes in the sewers and the little flying orbs goes off in another direction, signaling that someone else is in the sewers too.

Garrett and Coulson keep going and find a paralyzed man, able to communicate with computers speaking for him. This guy turned out to be the Clairvoyant, he said he says he realized why he couldn't see how Coulson came back to life, because he himself didn't see. They want to put him away but he says they can't do anything worse to him that his current state. He also says he knows what Skye has, something Coulson wants, and she will die to give it to them. Grant gets fed up with the mind games and creepy threats and shoots him, surprising everybody. Garret says it's over, and Coulson is shocked.

Later on, Garrett tells Coulson to take it easy on Grant. He then heads off to continue the hunt for Deathlok. Melinda tells Coulson that Fury is back and wants to talk to him. Skye talks to Grant and asks why he killed him. He says he 'lost it' but doesn't regret what happens to him as long as Skye is safe. Fitz talks to Simmons, and there seems to be a lot of commotion where she's at, but the signal is so sketchy he can't make it out. He does find that their communication systems have been bugged.

Skye talks to Coulson, and he's worried Grant killed the wrong guy. The way this all ended just felt too rushed and convenient. Nash could have just been a prop, the computers did all the talking. Skye then says she realized all the psychological profiles she studied were extremely in-depth, and they realize the reason the Clairvoyant couldn't see how Coulson was revived was because those files were super top secret and he wouldn't have access to them. Coulson and Skye figure the Clairvoyant doesn't have powers, he's another agent of SHIELD with access to their files.

Fitz follows the encrypted line to May's cockpit. She soon finds him and he nervously excuses himself. Fitz tells Skye about what he found and she tells him to cut the line. Melinda is about to call out, but notices the line is cut and grabs her gun. Coulson yells at Grant and demands to know if someone ordered him to kill the Clairvoyant. He swears he did on his own. Skye barges in and tells them about Melinda.

Melinda is trying to shoot Fitz but Coulson and Skye arrive and aim their guns at her. Coulson demands to know who she's talking to. He also says its such a coincidence that Deathlok put Blake in critical condition, but she's just fine, and also how Deathlok wasn't around to protect the Clairvoyant, cause that wasn't the real one. Melinda says she can't explain right now, nor can she say who she was talking to. The plane suddenly shifts course and flies off. Coulson wants to know what she did, but Melinda doesn't know where they're going either. Elsewhere, Victoria is waiting for the SHIELD plane to arrive and tell her men to take out the agents the moment to land, except for Coulson. She'll deal with him herself.

My Opinions: 

Wow, there is a LOT to say about this episode, as it takes place a little before Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier... and the ones coming up after this will take place after that. First let me go a little over the actual episode. It was great seeing all these agents from past episodes team up, because it seemed they were finally going to find and stop the Clairvoyant. We also got to see Peterson finally enter full Deathlok mode. It seems he has now become a complete killing machine and lost whatever humanity he has left. I love this clever scene where Skye did a scan on him and the x-ray made him look a lot like the comic counterpart.

Everything just goes to hell in the last minutes of the show. Just as we thought Grant took the Clairvoyant down.... Coulson has doubts that it really did end as easy as that. Then we find out that this Clairvoyant could have been an agent of SHIELD with access to SHIELD files all along???? And then... who is Melinda talking to? Who is she working for? And geez, she was willing to kill Fitz to keep him quiet. What the hell, bitch! Even if this all boils over somehow and Melinda returns as one of the good guys, Fitz can never look at her the same way again. And why the hell did Victoria suddenly do a heel turn and order the team to be killed??? What the hell is going on????

Now as for the Winter Soldier movie... Paige and I just saw it today and that just leaves for even more questions for what awaits the next episode. I don't want to spoil anything in case you guys haven't seen it opening weekend, but a lot that happens to SHIELD in the movie is bound to have drastic changes to this show, starting with the next episode.... especially if it wants to keep in tune with the Marvel movies. Though what we find out in the movie might explain why Victoria suddenly changed her attitude and wants to kill everybody. Maybe even whatever May was up to.

I can at least mention this little tidbit without being too spoilery since it's just at the beginning of the movie. In this episode, after all the agents got ready for their missions and such, Agent Sitwell had to bow out since he was sent for another mission and he 'had a boat to catch'. Sitewell was in a few episodes of the series... most notably the poor sap that got tased by Simmons in that episode that introduced Victoria and The Hub.

And well... how does Captain America Winter Soldier start...? With Agent Sitwell, as well a bunch of other SHIELD agents being held hostage on a ship. Lucky for him, Captain America and the Black Widow arrive to kick some ass and save the day... but I bet he wishes he never 'caught that boat'. That was a clever throwaway line for the show though. I didn't even think much about it til way later. Though after seeing what of all else happens to Mr. Sitwell in the Winter Soldier movie... I kinda doubt we'll be seeing him again in future episodes.

I don't want to spoil too much, and I might edit this article to add an upcoming review to Winter Soldier... but let me warn you, it will contain heavy spoilers, so only watch it if you dare.

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