Thursday, March 6, 2014

Agents of SHIELD Episode 14

By Mark Rodriguez

When we last our SHIELD agents, Skye was brutally shot twice by Quinn and left bleeding to death. The agents were able to put her in a Cryo-Capsule to keep her stable, but time was running out.... and we had to wait throughout the month of February until we finally got to March to see what happened next. Let's continue as the life of Skye is hanging by a thread.

The episode opens with Coulson and Simmons rushing Skye, still the the Cryo-Capsule where she can get medical attention. The gang is worried. Coulson tries to get word from Fury. Grant blames himself, thinking Skye never should have been on the field. Melinda says the blame should go to the guy that shot her. A nurse arrives and tells the gang that Skye has taken too much damage and is on life support. They'll soon have to decide wether or not to pull the plug.

Back on the plane, Melinda goes to the interrogation room where Quinn is still being held and basically punches the hell out of his face. Coulson arrives to stop her before she goes too far.

Coulson later gives the reports of his death and revival to Simmons and Fitz to study. The regular doctors can't save Skye, but he's sure whatever brought him back and help save her. He tells the them the Tahiti memories were fake to help forget what was really done to him. Simmons checks the reports and notice they say Coulson's hear was torn in half, and was somehow regenerated and healed completely. They're surprised by the strange procedures and drugs used during the revival of Coulson.

Grant and May talk about Skye and how serious Coulson is taking this, when just then they're approached by SHIELD jets. They're in trouble for not having turned Quinn over for questioning just yet. Two men board the ship, Garrett and Triplet, and they're already known by Coulson and Grant. Garrett also wants revenge on Quinn since he lost 3 men to track him down, and it cost him a lot to have Coulson's gang bust into the investigation.

While Garrett and Coulson talk, Triplet goes ahead and meets up with Grant. He wants to be taken to where Quinn is being held, but Grant won't release him without orders from Coulson. Triplet goes to find him on his own and when Grant grabs his arm, a fight breaks out between the two. Garrett and Coulson show up to break it up and say they're working together. Quinn might know something that can save Skye's life, so after they save her, they can take him back.

Fitz and Simmons continue to read the notes on Coulson's revival and are shocked at the things they find out. Most of the procedures seemed impossible, or horribly unethical, and some even used drugs or techniques they never even heard of.

The others go interrogate Quinn, who jokes about his rough treatment. Garrett says if it was him, it would be worse, and he reaches into his mouth and almost yanks out his tongue. Garrett and Coulson ask what he knows about the Cybertech and Deathlok project, but he wouldn't answer. Coulson asked why he had to shoot Skye. He says the Clairvoyant told him to.

Meanwhile, Fitz and Simmons also find out that the doctors and places referenced in the files don't exist, which adds to more of the mystery. Quinn tells Garrett that the Clairvoyant can see everything, which is how he was able to get the drop on the three agents that were killed. The only thing he can't see is how they brought Coulson back. They then realize that Skye was shot because they knew they would try to revive her the same way Coulson was brought back... which would be exactly what the Clairvoyant wants. It's a risk they have to take.

Simmons and Fitz watch over Skye as word of a drug that causes miracle regeneration is mentioned, but it is in an encrypted file. Fitz and Coulson check the computer files (with those awesome 3-D floating image files as seen in the Iron Man movies). They find a 'guest house' which is actually a sanctioned operation headed by Fury.

The teams lands near some mountains, and the secret medical facility should be inside. Coulson, Grant, Garrett and Fitz head inside, armed and ready to go. As they head towards the base there's a camera and the people inside ask for a pass code. Coulson mentions their predicament, but the people keep asking for the pass code. Garrett shoots the camera and Fitz hacks their way inside. As they sneak into the elevator, Fitz realizes they lost communication with the others on the plane.

Meanwhile, Triplett and Simmons watch over Skye. Simmons explains she hardly knew her, and they're complete opposites, but she hopes she will be alright. Triplett says if anything ever happens to him, he hopes he has her in his corner. Um.... ok?

 The man find a room surrounded by bulletproof glass and Fitz hacks his way in. They sneak around but the soldiers watching the place rush in and start shooting. Coulson warns if they don't stop they'll have to defend themselves. They keep shooting and Fitz tosses a flashing device that distracts them long enough for the others to take them down. They follow one of the injured soldiers and find him lying on the ground, waiting to die. He acts like he might recognize Coulson, making him sure that he really was treated in this place before.

Fitz soon finds out that the entire place is rigged to explode. Had the soldiers taken down the agents, they would have stopped the countdown, but since they were killed, noone can stop it. As Coulson enters a certain room, he has slight memory flashes of being treated there before. Fitz joins him and they start looking in a huge room full of all kind of drugs. They check in a fridge with a hidden compartment and find the miracle drug they were looking for.

Grant and Garrett arrive telling them they couldn't stop the bombs. As they leave Coulson continues to look in the room and finds another hidden compartment with something called T.A.H.I.T.I. As he wanders further, he finds a room with what looks like half of one of the Chitauri in a Cryo-Capsule... and it seems the miracle drug came from it. Fitz manages to blow up the door to the bulletproof glass room they entered and leaves with Grant and drug. Garrett stays behind and looks for Coulson.

Coulson tells Garrett that they shouldn't have use the drug on Skye.... Fitz is already on the plane with the others handing it over to them. By the time Coulson and Garrett arrives, they're already injecting Skye with it. She starts having attacks, and everybody worries. It looks like they were going to lose her, but she soon becomes stable and it looks like she will recover.

With Skye recovering, Garrett and Triplett take Quinn away. Garrett jokes about whether or not they were really going to throw Quinn off the plane if Skye didn't make it. Melinda asks Coulson why he was so worried earlier. He mentions the strange things he saw at that hidden medical facility and was worried Skye would suffer the same things he did. Luckily she didn't. He stays there and watches over her as she recovers.

Meanwhile in some small town, a redhead woman shows up near a wedding chapel. There's a guy hanging outside drinking some water and the woman takes it and drinks it for herself. She wonders where she is, and the man explains she's in Death Valley. She asks about the chapel and he says his fiance is inside. She asks if he prefers his fiance over her, and he says 'well, yeah' since she is his fiance after all. She says she admires his loyalty, which is something she will need. The man's fiance steps outside to see that he has driven off with this woman. He asks who she is, and she says her name is Lorelei, who now has the man under her control.

My opinions:

Another thrilling episode as the clock was ticking and Skye's life was hanging by a thread. She is indeed a beloved member of the team (and beloved part of the show), and we got see how each member felt about her. I guess Chloe Bennet got to take it easy for this episode since she was barely 'asleep' during all of it. I do wonder if the way the miracle drug did work on her and save her life have something to do with her being an O84.

The mystery regarding how Coulson came back continues, as does the Clairvoyant's desire to find out how it was done. I wonder how his powers work.... how DOES he 'see everything'? I mean, does he see everything through his men? Since they kept Quinn in that padded room the whole time, does that mean they kept the Clairvoyant from seeing what went on in the base? And honestly, if his powers are that divine, what rock was Fury hiding his operation under that not even could see when they were reviving Coulson? Geez, that small scene with Loki running Coulson through with his spear sure had long-lasting effects. And what does T.A.H.I.T.I stand for??? Plus with someone like the Clairvoyant and Centipede running around creating exploding super soldiers, why aren't they sending some of the super heroes in on this?

As for the new characters, Garrett and Triplett, I'm glad they were helping out, well at least Garrett was... At first I thought they were 'bad guys' out to capture Quinn whether Coulson wanted to or not. I thought when they said they would wait til they tried to save Skye that they would eventually turn on our crew to get to Quinn. I found out afterwards that Garrett is yet another comicbook character that was an agent of SHIELD until he was turned into a cyborg to stay alive. I'm not sure of his personality in the comics, but here he comes off as a hardened vet, with a history with Coulson and a dark sense of humor that probably rubs the others the wrong way.

As for Triplett.... um... other than a short fight scene with Grant, he really didn't all that much but stand around and hit on Simmons. Even at the end Garrett joked they might be back since 'Triplett has a thing for Miss Simmons'. He was an action fighter too, he should have joined the others on the mission. I do hope that if they bring him back they give him a longer and more action-packed role.

As for the little teaser thing at the end with Lorelei... wow. That was... out of left field. Now I know Lady Sif was going to be on the show but I didn't expect it to start like this. It was weird and had nothing to do with the rest of the episode. It would be watching Batman take down the Joker in a specific 'Joker-themed' episode, and have the last 3 minutes end with Cheetah dropping by Gotham City, ready to wreak havoc. One thing doesn't have a thing to do with the other.

And yes, Lady Sif herself, played by the same actress that was in both Thor movies will appear in the next episode as she takes on Lorelei (though Paige mentions she'll always see Jaimie Alexander as 'Jessi' from Kyle XY). Now if you ask yourself how or where the SHIELD cast fit into a battle between 2 Asgardians, it seems in the preview Lorelei somehow takes control of Grant and Melinda has to face that now her lover might turn on her. We'll see what happens next week an how all of this will turn out. I'm still wondering how Captain America Winter Soldier will be referenced here.

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