Friday, January 10, 2014

New 52 Justice League # 2

By Mark Rodriguez

We're already seeing previews for Justice League War, which will be the animated version of the first five issues of the New 52 Justice League. The story will be rather different, especially since the original story amounts to just the heroes meeting up and defeating Darkseid in a few hours. It already looks like the animated version will expand a lot more on that. Not only that, but Aquaman was replaced by Shazam and he'll apparently be Cyborg's buddy in this one. I already covered the first issue back in September, and here's the link.
New 52 Justice League # 1 and let's follow up with issue 2. I'm not sure if I can finish the story before the movie is released, but I'll give it a try. And well, it's kinda too late to consider this spoilers, but depending on how much you're looking forward to seeing the animated version and assuming you never read the comics during the New 52 launch, you might wanna tread lightly if you don't want it spoiled for you, depending on how faithful it is to the comics that is.

The comic opens in Central City with Allen trying to solve a murder case he think he can solve, but everyone is busy wanting to figure out who the Flash is. Of course, this sucks for him since he IS the Flash.

Back to Metropolis, Batman has used sonic grenades, tear gas and tasers, and of course none of them work against the Man of Steel. Superman just walks towards him like the unstoppable juggernaut that he is and tells him that his belt is empty. Superman grabs Batman by the throat and flies him into a wall. He says he was attacked by 'someone with one of the boxes' Batman has that blew himself up and took most of the building with him.

Green Lantern gets up, and people run from him as they notice he's 'one of them', since the world is still afraid of superheroes at this point. Superman chokes Batman and demands he talks before he 'doesn't let him'. Lantern attacks Superman with chained pistons made out of energy and tells him to drop Batman. He then chains up Superman, which doesn't amuse him and he proceeds to break free in a 2-page splash.

Superman is now pissed and Lantern is shocked he was able to shatter his construct. Batman says he's angry due to fighting someone else before they showed up. Lantern says he knows someone faster than Superman and calls the Flash as they try to escape in an energy bubble. Flash is surprised to find out Lantern met Batman and they're both in a fight against Superman. He's reluctant to help since the last they hung out, they defeated a talking gorilla (Grodd I assume?) and destroyed a natural history museum in the process, and now there's even a Flash Task Force out to stop him. Lantern says they need his help now since Superman's about to kill them... just as he shatters the energy orb they're in.

Flash appears and holds back Superman's fist and says he'll give his friends some breathing room. He spins Superman around and shoves him into a wall. Superman says he hates being attacked and tries to grab the Flash, but he's too fast for him. Flash says he thinks there's a misunderstanding and tells Superman not to bother trying to catch him since he's never been touched. Supes flicks a finger at him and sends Flash flying into a dumpster, which surprises the speedster that he was actually hit.

Batman tells Superman to stop and says they were also attacked by a monster that blew up and used one of the boxes. They figured since the box seems alien, Superman might know what it is, but he never saw anything like this before. Flash comes back and asks if they're done fighting. Since they are, he cleans up the area.

The military show up, and Superman says Luthor is behind it. Batman isn't a fan of Luthor either, and for now all the heroes have to escape to the underground. Flash complains since he doesn't want more bad publicity. Lantern asks why Batman seems extra serious now, and the Dark Knight says he's worried if there are more of those alien boxes out there.

Meanwhile in STAR labs, some scientists are studying one of the alien boxes they found in the wreckage of Superman's battle that morning. They know it's broadcasting some kind of signal, and the same kind of signal has been found in D.C, Central City and Coast City. One of the scientists tell Dr. Stone his son wants to see him, but he's too busy. He sighs and goes anyway since it sounds urgent. His son, Victor Stone was disappointed his father wasn't there to see him play football since some big time scouts were there and some were even offering full scholarships. His father says he's paying his way through college anyway and he should open his eyes. He says there's a new race of super beings now that make playing football sound like a joke. Victor asks if his dad will ever watch any of his games... and he says no.

Superman leads everyone to an abandoned printing press and tells Batman he doesn't have a base of operations. Batman asks where he hides, since he doesn't wear a mask and seem to have a secret identity to hide. Lantern tells Flash maybe they should ditch Bats and Supes and figure out the box on their own. Flash asks about the aliens behind Lantern's ring, but since the ring can't identify the box, neither can the guardians. Hal suggests Flash can quickly disassemble it to see what's inside, but the Flash doesn't want to chance it since it might be radioactive or toxic inside, and Superman can't see through it either. Flash suggests taking it for analysis for any fingerprints or DNA. Batman says he sounds like a cop, and he admits he is. Lantern warns Barry that he's exposes his identity... and Flash calls hims out for calling him 'Barry' in front of them.

Just then the box that the heroes have, as well as the one in STAR labs start making quick 'Ping' sounds and explode. The explosions bring forth more monsters yelling out 'for Darkseid!!!'. At the labs, the explosions vaporizes some scientists, but it also nearly fries Victor Stone to death.

My Opinions:

Man, does this bring back memories of back then when the New 52 was new and was all the rage. I did like the classic DC Universe, mostly Batman's history with all the Robins and Batgirls, and I remember things like The Death of Superman and such, but the fresh new reboot was exciting and I was excited to 'be there' for the modern re-telling of the formation of the Justice League. I loved this issue now for the same reason I loved it then, mostly the interactions and introductions of the heroes. They're still knowing each other and their abilities, so Batman doesn't know a taser won't affect Superman, nor does he know that he does have a secret identity even if he doesn't wear a mask. Flash and Lantern play off each other well, and it's interesting to see they already knew each other beforehand. Flash is more serious and Lantern just seems to get everybody he knows into trouble.

Of course we all know what will happen to Victor Stone. I wonder how the animated version will fit both his origin story and Shazam's. In this story his is the only origin we see. Everyone else is already established, they just haven't met yet.

I remember people complaining back then about the first issue mostly about Lantern and Batman, but hey, we have to start somewhere, and this issue already brought in Superman, the Flash and pre-Cyborg Victor into the mix. A simple story that brought them together, and I still like it. I also remember complaints against Superman grabbing Batman by the throat saying 'talk before I won't let you!!!' It might have been a 'so that's what that feels like' moment for Batman, but many felt it was OOC for Supes. Well, you have to remember this is New 52 Supes and people were still wrapping their minds around the fact that the guy with the red tights just few months before was now forever gone as they knew him. Plus this is 5 years before and Superman got hit hard by the outside world when he revealed himself as a superhero. And now an alien freak attacked him and blew in his face. As a dude that makes things out of green light picked a fight with him. Kinda had a right to be pissed at this point. Although I do have to admit, this is supposed to be 5 years before the Justice League and Superman 'we know today' but I haven't really read enough of the New 52 Superman to know if he's as wholesome and righteous as the classic one.

I'll try to follow up with issue 3 as soon as I can as we count down the days to Justice League War.

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