Sunday, February 1, 2015

TMNT Colored Classics Volume 3 Issue 1 (Mirage TMNT Issue 48)

By Mark Rodriguez

When most people hear discussion about how the Mirage TMNT is a more adult series than any of the cartoons, the first thing that comes to mind is blood and gore. Now while the original Mirage TMNT aren't exactly afraid of killing (they kill Shredder in the very first issue), the series isn't mature solely due to its violence (because honestly, Leo hacking someone with his sword is no less extreme than Wolverine slicing people up or Batman beating people bloody), but because it digs deep into character themes that most cartoons avoid because they're either more light-hearted, or because it's supposed to be 'action, Action, ACTION!'. Venka and I often discuss things on the new Nickshow, and while sometimes she does ponder deeply on the emotional aftermath of the Turtles and their situation on the show, I do remind her that even though her points are valid, it's still a kids show on Nick and it won't waste more than half the show dealing with depression and a whole lot of talking. While the Mirage series does have its fair share of silly moments and sometimes there are all-action issues, but it does deal with a lot of serious and sometimes dark themes which some might either bore kids or just go over their heads. That's where the mature themes come into play.

It's about time I start getting into the original Mirage series, and I just picked up issues 1 and 2 of Volume 3 of IDW's colored classics (the originals were in black and white donchaknow). The main focus here is Casey Jones, and yes, the original Mirage Casey is still the crazy vigilantee with sports equipment and a hockey mask, but rather than just being crazy for the sake of being crazy, the comic does go into him being a depressed drunk at times fighting his inner demons. Let's check it out.

Shades of Grey starts with Casey running across the rooftops of Springfield and Leo, Raph and Mike getting ready to chase as part of some game. Don opts out since he wants to debug some systems he's working on and Raph considers it a weak excuse. Splinter allows Don to stay and the Turtles head off. Splinter explains that April will drive the Turtles to the Memorial Bridge where Casey already has a three hour head start. If they haven't found him by 1AM, he will head back home and the Turtles will have a 20 mile walk home. April gets ready to head off after circling something that caught her attention in the newspaper.

April drops the Turtles off and Raph says if they can find Casey's Chevy, they can just grab him when he returns to pick it up. Leo and Mike agree. As the Turtles head off and April starts to head home, her truck broke down. A motorcyclist shows up and offers to help.

The Turtles are on a rooftop, searching for Casey, as our masked man is hiding by a gargoyle. He soon flips back to the ground and walks across a park when he hears something. It's a couple of thugs that call him Freddy (though with the hockey mask I figured they'd call him Jason instead??) and they demand he pay their toll for walking across their turf. Casey takes out his hockey stick and they fight it out.

One of the kids come at him with a knife, and Casey knees him in the chest and smashes him on the head with his hockey stick. The kid lays there while his buddies run away. Casey tells the other kid that he should go home too. The kid doesn't seem to be moving, and when Casey goes to check on him, he sees that he's dead.

Just then another vigilantee attacks him, Nobody, calling Casey a murderer. Casey tries to explain but Nobody won't hear it. Casey gets him in a leglock and punches him down. As he runs away, Nobody chases after him and jumps over a swing set. His cape gets caught on the swing chain and Casey is able to get away. Geez Nobody,.... that was just stupid....

Casey rests in a cemetery lamenting what he's just done. He punches a gravestone and bloodies up his hand. After sulking some more, he grabs his mask and is ready to leave. Nobody just found him.

The Turtles see the two punks from earlier running like crazy. They figured maybe they ran into Casey and head towards the direction they're running from. They soon find the dead kid. The Turtles determine a fight took place and see footprints leading away from the park. They find a piece of Casey's hockey stick and have a bad feeling. As they head off, Mike also notices the piece of Nobody's cape stuck on the swing chains.

Nobody and Casey continue to fight it out, with the vigilantee in black taking off his cape and using it to cover the hockey player's face. Casey puts up a good fight, but eventually Nobody comes out as the winner and he starts to cuff him. The Turtles show up and tell him to stop and Nobody says this guy is a killer. Leo says Casey isn't a murderer and Nobody tells them about the kid at the park.

The Turtles ask what happened and Casey says it was accident. Raph says Casey is going home with them. Nobody is confused, having fought alongside the turtles before, that they're condoning Casey's actions. Mikey asks him if he's ever killed before and Nobody says he's a cop and it's been done in self defense. Raph brings up the people he's killed when the last time they met and also states that as long as he's running around in the Nobody costume his badge as a police officer doesn't mean a thing.

Nobody says this makes them accomplices to murder. The Turtles say that Casey will answer for what he's done. Nobody says that he will see to that.

My Opinions- 

It feels good to dig into the one and only original version of the Turtles. This is the main series where it all began after all. Originally TMNT # 48 I assume they didn't reffer to it do the 'wacky era' of the comics. The original Mirage run started off like any other comic series with the Turtles and their adventures following a general course, but somewhere in between there was a time where every issue was drawn by every random artist out there, usually in totally insane cartoony ways and most of them had nothing to do with anything except that the Turtles happen to be there. I do believe this was when Eastman and Laird were busy dealing with the fame and business deals regarding the 80's cartoon and Playmates toyline. Eventually they returned to the series and started some plotlines which led to City at War.

As for the story itself, it's a pretty simple idea. The Turtles go out looking for Casey as part of a game or training exercise of some sort. He runs into some trouble, accidentally hits one of them a little too hard and he's dead. Now another masked vigilantee is after him and the Turtles get involved.

The issue lies that accident or not, Casey killed someone and Nobody, as a police officer wants to take him in, no ifs, ands or buts. Shades of Grey is the perfect title for this as while Casey did kill someone, there was no evil intent. He was basically defending himself and teaching the low lives a lesson. And yeah, in the real world people do sometimes make stupid mistakes or bizzare cases happen which end up in someone being killed, and wether or not that was ever their intention, they still have to pay for it. We clearly see Casey's sense of shock and remorse over what he's done, but Nobody didn't see that and moved in to strike.

The Turtles of course have Casey's back. While they have met Nobody before, to them he's just a random nutjob in black tights. Casey, while also being a nutjob with sports gear, is their friend and they know he's not a cold blooded killer. I like how Raph points out that Nobody's 'by-the-book' police ethics don't apply when he's running around as a masked man that's technically above the law. The Turtles will deal with Casey but what will Nobody do now?

The comic was cool and the fights between Casey and Nobody were pretty sweet. Nice to see two street fighters go at it, though Casey's jumpkick showed he learned a thing or two from the the turtles. The only move that was very weird and wonky looking was the leglock... and then somehow Casey bending forward far enough to punch him in the face... I guess he was doing like a jack-knife punch or whatever? I kinda wish I was drawn at an easier to see angle or whatever. Still sounds like a move that the myth busters should see if its possible.

most awkwardly drawn Casey panel ever.....
As for Nobody, not much I can say about except he's a cop by day, masked crimefighter by night. This is the first Mirage comic I've read with him in it, but I have seen his episodes when he was also featured in the 2K3 series. He's basically the Batman of the TMNT in the sense of being the dark vigilantee without any super powers.

Although he's meant to be taken seriously the scene with him jumping over the swing and getting his cape stuck on the chain was just stupid and embarrassing. Casey didn't even jump over the swing to trick him into doing doing so. I know it was so that Casey could escape somehow for the time being, but there had to be a better way. Losing some valuable cool points there bud.

I can't really comment much on the colored VS original black and white, except for the most part it looks ok to me, except sometimes the Turtles masks look more orange than red. Other than that the comic was a good read. We'll see what happens next issue, since unlike a cartoon show, something like accidentally killing someone isn't something you can just shrug off and forget for 10 episodes until it's addressed again.

On a final note, there's a Youtube show that pits heroes from different series against each other with live actors actually playing out the right. There was a Casey Jones VS Kick-Ass one and while I won't spoil the outcome some posters commented that they were sure Casey would win since already killed a kid before, referring to this issue. Dude. He didn't do it on purpose or for fun. Geez.

Avengers West Coast #51

By Mark Rodriguez

By now almost every Marvel Super Hero that isn't one of the X-Men or one of the Fantastic Four is a member of the Avengers... and even then we still have Beast and The Thing as Avengers.... I dare say the only remaining hero that isn't one of them is The Punisher since he isn't one to play well with others. Among them possibly the one that causes the most problems (with the possible exception of Hank Pym, creating Ultron and all that) is the Scarlet Witch that turns heel every whenever.

In the 90's there was a split faction of the Avengers called the West Coast Avengers with certain members like Hawkeye, Power Man and the Scarlet Witch. Back when I was just starting to get into the actual hobby of buying and reading comics, I got into Spider-Man and the Avengers and found this series entertaining. The last issue I bought at the time was the one where Wanda betrayed the Avengers, and I never got to see the rest of it. Now thanks to being able to find the story collected in a trade paperback... I got my chance. Let's check it out.

Issue 51 opens with Iron Man making his return to action, but it seems Hank Pym, Wonder Man, the Wasp and the US Agent aren't too happy to see him. US Agent believes that this current Iron Man has killed Stark and is wearing the armor now, and heads off to call Washington to confirm this. Once he leaves, Hank says they know Stark is still alive and ask Iron Man if that's their old friend under the armor. Iron Man apologizes but says he can't say.

Here's a blast from the past, we got Wasp, Wonder Man, Hank Pym and the US Agent

Wanda and Vision head back home and the Scarlet Witch complains that she doesn't him to sound so 'human'. Vision points out that she works with the Avengers which are mostly humans and she calls it a passing weakness. They arrive to discover someone in their house, an old woman named Agatha Harkness who they have witnessed being burned at stake at an earlier story.

Agatha points out that the matter at hand isn't her miraculous return, but Wanda's children. She tells them they seem to vanish whenever she isn't thinking about them. Every time she's in a fight or something to place her thoughts elsewhere, her children cease to exist. Wanda is shocked to hear this and Agatha tells Vision that she will need him now more than ever,

The original Human Torch, apparently there was an android that looks exactly like Johnny Storm does when he's Flaming On, is flying around enjoying his newfound freedom after the Scarlet Witch has turned him back on. He sees a woman that confuses his normal form for her dead husband Tom. Torch seems to have known Tom and is shocked to find out he was dead. Just then, monsters attack and they dump snow all over Torch before he has time to flame on.

The Avengers hear Torch's screams and run out to fight. The heroes are confused by the monsters but know that they must be the work of Master Pandemonium (eye roll?). Iron Man asks about their last encounter with him and Hank wonders how he knew that. US Agent steps back into the room and is surprised to see the demons, but jumps in to help. Torch is able to vaporize the dampness around him and flame back on. Wasp and Pym notice that the demons don't seem to want to kill them and only want to distract them.

Vision is trying to calm Wanda down, but she explains all the things she had endure recently. The demons crash into their house and Agatha prepares to use her witchcraft on them. Pandemonium breathes fire upon her to stop her. Vision phases his hand through his chest, but the villain has no heart for him to stop (that was a drastic attack move anyway). Wanda uses her hex powers to drive the villain back, and he gets away saying his work is done. Vision wondered what he meant by that and Wanda is shocked to discover that her children have vanished.

Master Pandemonium rests in hell (or some hellish place) with the children, and he explains how he was a normal guy caught in a car accident, but Mephisto replaced his lost arms with demon arms. He also tore out his soul which left him with a gaping hole in the shape of a pentagram.

Wanda is pissed that everyone is standing around talking while he children are missing. Wasp mentioned maybe they just disappeared again, and he Scarlet Witch bitchslaps her demanding the others help her find her child. Agatha opens a portal leading them to Pandemonium. Elsewhere a guy named Immortus is able to see this happening and flies off to take care of it, saying they are getting in the way of his plans for Wanda.

Once the Avengers arrives they are surprised to see a nice and peaceful landscape. Agatha, in spirit, tells them to be careful. Just then the landscape itself starts attacking them and the heroes fight back. They see a building in the distance and head towards it since the villain must be inside. As the heroes arrive, Master Pandemonium is already waiting for them..... and he somehow has Wanda's children fused to his arms, acting like this hands....

My Opinions-

Wow, does this ever take me back. Avengers West Coast was probably the first super hero team book I ever read and there are so many changes with the characters from then to now and all these questions. If this Iron Man isn't Tony Stark... then who is he? What's the deal with the US Agent? I remember him in those old days but I never got the idea if he was supposed to be some kind of back-up for the real Captain America or what? And with all these characters running around in modern comics, he's one character I haven't seen coming back or redesigned or whatever. And somehow he thinks Tony is dead, and the others seem to know better but choose to keep it from him. So weird. I do remember him appearing as a 'secret character' in Marvel VS Capcom 2, which is of course, basically a palate swapped Captain America.

Another classic character is 'the original Human Torch', an android that was around since the 50's. Um... wut? Again it's such a bizzare coincidence that Johnny Storm was exposed to radiation in space and was somehow able to 'flame on' and look exactly like a hero from the 50's. I guess you can say Johnny was a fan and named himself after him... but c'mon. His powers would work the exact same way and everything? C'mon.... just..... c'mon now.

hmm at least they got to meet up face to face at one time and even acknowledged their similarities, but still.... It's a big pill to swallow. It's like Ben Grim just happened to change into an orange rock monster that looked exactly like another orange rock monster from the 50's
The comic brings into question Wanda's children and how she was even able to have children with the Vision, who is an android. The comic had an interesting idea with the possibility that maybe the children weren't real at all, and they were just some sort of delusion of hers turned real whenever she thought about it. Babysitters being fired when they tried to tell her her kids up and vanishing, and Wasp being witness to it at least once before, it all adds up. It reminds me of that Jodie Foster movie where she lost her kid on a plane and everyone was trying to convince her she was crazy and she never had a son to begin with.

Also this brings out the ugly in Wanda, already having started the issue with her showing hatred for humans. Wanda also questions what she means by that after suddenly getting bitchslapped. With the loss of her children, Wanda's descent into darkness begins.

As for the villain, Master Pandemonium.... ridiculous name but he does have an interesting design. That last page though.... yikes. That's one prime example of something not looking so bad cause it's drawn as opposed to how disturbingly horrible it would look in real life. Pandemonium's hands.... replaced by Wanda's babies..... what the fuck dude. What. The. Fuck. It's like a nightmarish version of Midori Days.

Midori Days, an anime series about a guy that suddenly has a girl attached to his right hand. Yeah, Pandemonium kinda went that route except in his case it's not as cute and funny as it is here.... even though the general idea of it is still super messed up.
What awaits the Avengers West Coast and how will seeing such a horrid sight further bring upon her impending meltdown? Stay tuned to find out.